Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Why flu virus infects mostly in winter

Why flu virus infects mostly in winter 

 Scientists have discovered a possible reason why the flu virus is seasonal and tends to infect people mostly in the winter. They found that the virus survived best at low humidity — such as those found indoors in the winter
— and extremely high humidity. Researchers measured the influenza A virus’s survival rate at various levels of humidity.
    Their study presents for the first time the relationship between the Influenza A virus viability in human mucus and humidity over a large range of relative humidities, from 17% to 100%. They found the viability of the virus was highest when the relative humidity was either close to 100% or below 50%. The results in human mucus may help explain influenza’s seasonality in different regions. Humidity affects the composition of the fluid, namely the concentrations of salts and proteins in respiratory droplets, and this affects the survival rates of the flu virus. ANI

Scientists have discovered a possible reason why the flu virus is seasonal

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