Tuesday, 18 December 2012

HEAL WITH HOMEOPATHY Survey shows success in hair loss treatment


Survey shows success in hair loss treatment

    Twenty-eight-year-old Sunita (name changed) first visited our clinic, looking for what our 700,000 hair patients regard as the ‘most preferred’ and scientifically ‘proven’ solution for alopecia areata — or, bald spots on the scalp. It was not Sunita who spotted her first bald spots; it was her hairdresser. Sunita could not believe when she heard it. She thought, “Oh, God, am I going to lose all my hair?” She quickly consulted a local doctor who referred her to us. Sunita reported that she experienced recurrent joint pains with migraine. She also spoke of having a stressful job and feeling awfully depressed. Although she described herself as a confident and optimistic individual, she confided that she would often brood over small things. For someone who kept her feelings under wraps, it was apparent that her suppressed emotions were likely the cause of her health problems, including hair fall.
    We prescribed Sunita the homeopathic remedy, Fluoric Acid, which corresponded with her personality, presenting symptoms and hair loss. In a span of four to five months, tiny, new hair strands started filling up her bald. Her
other health problems, too, reduced. Six months later, her world changed. In her words, “I am happy that I opted for treatment at Dr Batra’s and saved myself from the frightful prospect of going embarrassingly bald.”
    A recent study, conducted at Dr Batra’s on 190,000 patients taking treatment for hair loss, showed ‘improvement’ in 94.1% of cases; ‘no change’ in 4.3% of cases; and, ‘not
better, in spite of treatment’ in 1.6% of cases. These figures are in agreement with authenticated survey results, published by reputed external sources, such as A C Nielsen and American Quality Assessors.
Call: 022 - 6678 9899, Toll-Free: 1800-3001 Sms: DB to 09757070707 Log on www.drbatras.com Suggested remedies are indicative. To be taken under competent medical supervision only

Dr Mukesh Batra

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