Now reduce high BP through kidney therapy
simple procedure that involves exposing the kidneys to radio waves can
cure raised blood pressure, especially among hypertension patients
conducted in Australia has shown that a new procedure can significantly
reduce raised blood pressure. This quick and relatively painless
procedure sees a catheter inserted into a vein, which then uses a short
burst of radio waves to deactivate nerves in the kidneys. The
researchers believe that this increases blood flow to the organs,
reducing activity of the hormone renin, which has a link with raised
blood pressure. This procedure of exposing the kidneys to radio waves shows that it is safe and effective in lowering blood
pressure after implementing the treatment for a year, and poses no
threat to the functioning of the kidneys and the heart. When an
individual’s blood pressure is higher than 140 over 90, it is termed as
hypertension, and it is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke
and kidney failure. Many drug treatments are available to bring high
blood pressure under control, but many people who undertake such
medication unfortunately are still not able to get it under control. Professor Murray Esler in Melbourne, Australia, has shown that
these patients can be helped with a zap to the kidneys. “Studies will
soon determine whether this procedure can cure mild hypertension,
producing permanent drug-free normalisation of blood pressure,” he said.
The procedure, which is minimally invasive, is known as c at h e t e r-
b a s e d renal denervation. It involves the use of a probe passed through the femoral artery in the groin to fire short bursts of intense radio waves at nerves around the kidneys. The aim of this procedure
is to basically destroy nerves that may be overactive in patients with
hypertension. The researchers studied 82 patients with d r u g - re s i s
t a n t hypertension, who took part in the Symplicity HTN-2 trial. All the patients had blood pressure
readings of 160 or higher and had taken three or more antihypertension
drugs, while some had other conditions, including diabetes. After
treating the patients for six months with this procedure, systolic
blood pressure was reduced by at least 10 millimetres of mercury in 83
per cent of one group of patients. Almost 79% of the same group was able
to maintain such reductions for a year. “Participants’ kidneys were not
damaged or functionally impaired. We also found no ill effects on
long-term health,” Professor Esler said.
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