Tuesday, 11 December 2012

A brush that cleans teeth with ultrasonic waves

A brush that cleans teeth with ultrasonic waves

London: Scientists in Britain claim to have developed the world’s first toothbrush which uses only ultrasound waves to clean teeth — meaning there is no abrasive brushing.
    While manual toothbrushes have long been replaced by whizzyelectric versions boasting super-fast vibrations and expensive whitening heads, the technology remains the same — abrasive particles in toothpaste
rubbed against the teeth to remove plaque. The high-tech product launched in UK last week is claiming to be the world’s first 100% ultrasound toothbrush, the ‘Daily Mail’ reported.
    Some ultrasound technology has been incorporated into electric designs in the past, but this is the first time it has been used alone, requiring no movement of the brush. The new Emmident toothbrush makes a stag
gering 86 million sound waves per minute and uses only these waves to clean the teeth. The product will cost £79.95 and the manufacturers claim the ultrasound waves emitted cause millions of tiny bubbles to form in the special £3.99 toothpaste you have to use with it.
    These bubbles are small enough to get between the teeth and into the gums, where they implode, killing bacteria and dis
lodging tartar. This means you don’t have to use a conventional brushing motion. It also kills bacteria left on the brush head.
    Since people can’t feel ultrasound, the company, Emmi Ultrasonic AG, has added a vibration to the brush to reassure that it’s working. Professor Damien Walmsley, of British Dental Association, said proper tests need to be done to prove the efficacy of the brush. PTI


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