Tuesday, 8 January 2013



Survey shows 90% of psoriasis patients feel better with homeopathy

    Twenty-eight-year-old Harish (name changed) showed psoriasis symptoms. Over 65% of his body was covered with psoriatic patches. During case-taking, we could trace his psoriatic distress to extreme stress — at home and the workplace. We could also trace a ‘remote connect’ to constant nagging at school, because Harish was a slow learner with a marked stammer. We deduced that it was likely that his psoriatic patches were also a result of his suppressed childhood emotions. We prescribed him the homeopathic remedy, Staphysagria. After 8-10 months of treatment, his psoriatic patches began to respond and heal.
    Stress and emotional agony often ‘trigger’ psoriasis; the paradox also is most
psoriatic individuals experience a stressful sequence — a recurring pattern of psoriatic patches.
    Homeopathy aims to treat the individual affected by pso
riasis, not just the disorder on the surface. In treating psoriasis, homeopathy lays the utmost emphasis on the individual’s emotional bearings, or what triggers, heightens, or relieves the condition, including stress or psychological distress, environmental factors and food sensitivities.
A study conducted in-house, at Dr Batra’s, on 78,633 skin patients, who regard our treatment as the ‘most preferred’ and scientifically ‘proven’ solution for skin disorders, showed ‘better’ in 90.3% of cases; ‘no change’ in 7.2% of cases; and, ‘not better, in spite of treatment’ in 2.5%of cases.
Clinical research studies conducted in Europe, likewise, evidenced that 80-90% of psoriatic patients treated with homeopathic remedies showed distinct improvement, with no side-effects. A study published in The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, a conventional medical journal, also reported that psoriasis patients experienced significant improvement in
their quality of life (QoL) and reduction in their psoriasis symptoms with homeopathic treatment.
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Dr Mukesh Batra

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